Native C API

This section shows the API header file and serves as a reference for IOLITE’s C API. The header file is dependency-free, kept as minimal as possible, and can be compiled with all common C or C++ compilers.

All functions, data structures, and interfaces are documented in the header file itself.

For detailed instructions on writing plugins and the general usage of the API, please header over to the Writing plugins using the native C/C++ API section to get started.


All versions of IOLITE’s C API header file are available in our public GitHub repository.


Please make sure to use a header file that matches the binary release of IOLITE you are using for your project. All IOLITE binary releases come with an according tag in the repository.


// MIT License
// Copyright (c) 2023 Missing Deadlines (Benjamin Wrensch)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

// Minimal C/C++ plugin sample

#include "iolite_api.h"

const struct io_api_manager_i* io_api_manager = 0;

IO_API_EXPORT io_uint32_t IO_API_CALL get_api_version()
  // Inform IOLITE which version of the API you are using
  return IO_API_VERSION;

IO_API_EXPORT io_int32_t IO_API_CALL load_plugin(const void* api_manager)
  // Ensure we can keep accessing the API manager after loading the plugin
  io_api_manager = (const struct io_api_manager_i*)api_manager;

  // Do something with the API manager, set up your plugin, etc.

  return 0; // Return a value < 0 to indicate that the loading of your plugin
            // has failed (dependency not available, etc.)

IO_API_EXPORT void IO_API_CALL unload_plugin()
  // Clean up here

// Documentation

// Functions that return ranges of values
// ----
//   Examples: "find_entities_by_name", "collect_nodes_depth_first", etc.
//   Usage:     To retrieve the total buffer length required, set the
//              buffer ptr to nullptr. The length ptr will be updated
//              accordingly. If both the buffer ptr and the length ptr are
//              provided, the function fills the buffer up to the provided
//              length (or less if the total buffer length is smaller) and sets
//              the length to the amount of entries written to the
//              buffer.
//   Note:      It's best to avoid calling functions of this type multiple times
//              and to pre-allocate a sufficiently large buffer upfront.

// Working with event streams
// ----
//   Examples: "on_physics_events", "on_shape_events", etc.
//   Usage:
//     const io_events_header_t* event = begin;
//     while (event < end)
//     {
//       // Check type in header and fetch data via "io_events_get_data(event)"
//       // ...
//       event = io_events_get_next(event);
//     }


// IOLITE API version

// The major, minor, and bug fix parts of the IOLITE API version

// The version of the IOLITE API as a single number
#define IO_API_VERSION                                                         \
  ((IO_API_VERSION_MAJOR << 24) + (IO_API_VERSION_MINOR << 16) +               \
   (IO_API_VERSION_BUGFIX << 8) + 0)

// Helpers for retrieving the major, minor, and bug fix part from the version
// number
#define IO_API_VERSION_GET_MAJOR(_version) ((_version >> 24) & 0xFFu)
#define IO_API_VERSION_GET_MINOR(_version) ((_version >> 16) & 0xFFu)
#define IO_API_VERSION_GET_BUGFIX(_version) ((_version >> 8) & 0xFFu)

// DLL export helpers

#ifdef _WIN32
#define IO_API_CALL __stdcall
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define IO_API_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#else // __cplusplus
#define IO_API_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#endif // __cplusplus
#else // _WIN32
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define IO_API_EXPORT extern "C"
#else // __cplusplus
#define IO_API_CALL
#endif // _WIN32

// Basic types

#define IO_TRUE 1
#define IO_FALSE 0
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef unsigned char io_bool_t;
typedef bool io_bool_t;

typedef unsigned char io_uint8_t;
typedef char io_int8_t;

typedef unsigned short io_uint16_t;
typedef short io_int16_t;

typedef unsigned int io_uint32_t;
typedef int io_int32_t;

typedef unsigned long long io_uint64_t;
typedef long long io_int64_t;

typedef float io_float32_t;
typedef double io_float64_t;

typedef io_uint32_t io_size_t;

typedef io_uint64_t io_uuid_t;
typedef io_uint32_t io_ref_type_id_t;
typedef io_uint32_t io_ref_index_t;
typedef io_uint32_t io_ref_id_t;

// Math related types

typedef struct
      io_float32_t x, y;
      io_float32_t r, g;
    io_float32_t data[2u];
} io_vec2_t;

typedef struct
      io_float32_t x, y, z;
      io_float32_t r, g, b;
    io_float32_t data[3u];
} io_vec3_t;

typedef struct
      io_float32_t x, y, z, w;
      io_float32_t r, g, b, a;
    io_float32_t data[4u];
} io_vec4_t;

typedef struct
      io_float32_t w, x, y, z;
    io_float32_t data[4u];
} io_quat_t;

typedef struct
      io_int32_t x, y;
    io_int32_t data[2u];
} io_ivec2_t;

typedef struct
      io_int32_t x, y, z;
    io_int32_t data[3u];
} io_ivec3_t;

typedef struct
      io_int32_t x, y, z, w;
    io_int32_t data[4u];
} io_ivec4_t;

typedef struct
      io_uint32_t x, y;
    io_uint32_t data[2u];
} io_uvec2_t;

typedef struct
      io_uint32_t x, y, z;
    io_uint32_t data[3u];
} io_uvec3_t;

typedef struct
      io_uint8_t x, y, z;
    io_uint8_t data[3u];
} io_u8vec3_t;

typedef struct
      io_uint16_t x, y, z;
    io_uint16_t data[3u];
} io_u16vec3_t;

typedef struct
      io_uint32_t x, y, z, w;
    io_uint32_t data[4u];
} io_uvec4_t;

typedef struct
  io_vec3_t center;
  io_float32_t radius;
} io_sphere_t;

typedef struct
  io_vec3_t center;
  io_vec3_t half_extent;
} io_aabb_t;

// Math type conversion helpers

inline io_vec2_t io_cvt(IO_USER_VEC2_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y}; }
inline IO_USER_VEC2_TYPE io_cvt(io_vec2_t v) { return {v.x, v.y}; }
#endif // IO_USER_VEC2_TYPE

inline io_vec3_t io_cvt(IO_USER_VEC3_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_VEC3_TYPE io_cvt(io_vec3_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
#endif // IO_USER_VEC3_TYPE

inline io_vec4_t io_cvt(IO_USER_VEC4_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }
inline IO_USER_VEC4_TYPE io_cvt(io_vec4_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }
#endif // IO_USER_VEC4_TYPE

inline io_quat_t io_cvt(IO_USER_QUAT_TYPE v) { return {v.w, v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_QUAT_TYPE io_cvt(io_quat_t v) { return {v.w, v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_QUAT_TYPE io_cvt(io_quat_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }

inline io_uvec2_t io_cvt(IO_USER_UVEC2_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y}; }
inline IO_USER_UVEC2_TYPE io_cvt(io_uvec2_t v) { return {v.x, v.y}; }
#endif // IO_USER_UVEC2_TYPE

inline io_uvec3_t io_cvt(IO_USER_UVEC3_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_UVEC3_TYPE io_cvt(io_uvec3_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
#endif // IO_USER_UVEC3_TYPE

inline io_u8vec3_t io_cvt(IO_USER_U8VEC3_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_U8VEC3_TYPE io_cvt(io_u8vec3_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
#endif // IO_USER_U8VEC3_TYPE

inline io_u16vec3_t io_cvt(IO_USER_U16VEC3_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_U16VEC3_TYPE io_cvt(io_u16vec3_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
#endif // IO_USER_U16VEC3_TYPE

inline io_uvec4_t io_cvt(IO_USER_UVEC4_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }
inline IO_USER_UVEC4_TYPE io_cvt(io_uvec4_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }
#endif // IO_USER_UVEC4_TYPE

inline io_ivec2_t io_cvt(IO_USER_IVEC2_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y}; }
inline IO_USER_IVEC2_TYPE io_cvt(io_ivec2_t v) { return {v.x, v.y}; }
#endif // IO_USER_IVEC2_TYPE

inline io_ivec3_t io_cvt(IO_USER_IVEC3_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
inline IO_USER_IVEC3_TYPE io_cvt(io_ivec3_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z}; }
#endif // IO_USER_IVEC3_TYPE

inline io_ivec4_t io_cvt(IO_USER_IVEC4_TYPE v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }
inline IO_USER_IVEC4_TYPE io_cvt(io_ivec4_t v) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w}; }
#endif // IO_USER_IVEC4_TYPE

// Loosely typed enums and flags

// Flags defining the faces of a box
enum io_box_face_flags_
  io_box_face_flags_front = 0x01u,
  io_box_face_flags_back = 0x02u,
  io_box_face_flags_top = 0x04u,
  io_box_face_flags_bottom = 0x08u,
  io_box_face_flags_left = 0x10u,
  io_box_face_flags_right = 0x20u,

  io_box_face_flags_all = 0x7Fu
typedef io_uint8_t io_box_face_flags;

// Indices for the faces of a box matching the flags above
enum io_box_face_index_
  io_box_face_index_front,  // Z + 1
  io_box_face_index_back,   // Z - 1
  io_box_face_index_top,    // Y + 1
  io_box_face_index_bottom, // Y - 1
  io_box_face_index_left,   // X - 1
  io_box_face_index_right   // X + 1
typedef io_uint8_t io_box_face_index;

// Flags for configuring properties for custom components
enum io_property_flags_
  io_property_flags_runtime_only =
      0x01u // Indicates that the given property should neither be serialized
            // nor exposed in the editor
typedef io_uint8_t io_property_flags;

// Vertical text alignment
enum io_ui_text_align_vertical_
  io_ui_text_align_vertical_top,    // Position text at top
  io_ui_text_align_vertical_center, // Position text at vertical center
  io_ui_text_align_vertical_bottom  // Position text at bottom
typedef io_uint32_t io_ui_text_align_vertical;

// Horizontal text alignment
enum io_ui_text_align_horizontal_
  io_ui_text_align_horizontal_left,   // Position text left
  io_ui_text_align_horizontal_center, // Position text at horizontal center
  io_ui_text_align_horizontal_right   // Position text right
typedef io_uint32_t io_ui_text_align_horizontal;

// Various presets for anchors
enum io_ui_anchor_preset_
  io_ui_anchor_preset_full_rect,     // A full rectangle
  io_ui_anchor_preset_top_left,      // Anchor at top left
  io_ui_anchor_preset_top_right,     // Anchor at top right
  io_ui_anchor_preset_bottom_right,  // Anchor at bottom right
  io_ui_anchor_preset_bottom_left,   // Anchor at bottom left
  io_ui_anchor_preset_center_left,   // Anchor at the left center
  io_ui_anchor_preset_center_top,    // Anchor at the top center
  io_ui_anchor_preset_center_right,  // Anchor at the right center
  io_ui_anchor_preset_center_bottom, // Anchor at the bottom center
  io_ui_anchor_preset_center,        // Anchor at the center

typedef io_uint32_t io_ui_anchor_preset;

enum io_ui_aspect_mode_
  io_ui_aspect_mode_keep // Keep the aspect ratio (using letter and pillar
                         // boxing)
typedef io_uint32_t io_ui_aspect_mode;

enum io_ui_text_flag_
  io_ui_text_flag_wrap = 0x01u // Wrap text
typedef io_uint32_t io_ui_text_flag;

enum io_ui_style_var_
  io_ui_style_var_text_color,         // Color for text (vec4)
  io_ui_style_var_text_outline_color, // Color for text outlines (vec4)
  io_ui_style_var_text_outline, // The width (in px) of the text outline (float)
                                // Set to > 0 to add outlines to text
  io_ui_style_var_rect_rounding, // Value in [0, 1] that defines the rounding
                                 // radius. Set to > 0 to draw rectangles with
                                 // rounded corners (float)
  io_ui_style_var_draw_outline,  // Draw outlines with the given width (in px)
                                 // instead of filled shapes
  io_ui_style_var_alpha // Global alpha value applied to all draw operations
                        // (float)
typedef io_uint32_t io_ui_style_var;

// Flags used to configure the radius damage applied to the world
enum io_world_radius_damage_flags_
  io_radius_damage_flags_fracture = 0x01u, // Apply as fracture
  io_radius_damage_flags_use_noise =
      0x02u // Apply detail using proecudral noise function
typedef io_uint32_t io_world_radius_damage_flags;

// Input key state
enum io_input_key_state_
typedef io_uint8_t io_input_key_state;

// Input axis
enum io_input_axis_


typedef io_uint8_t io_input_axis;

// Input key
enum io_input_key_











typedef io_uint8_t io_input_key;

// The different types supported by variants
enum io_variant_type_
  io_variant_type_float = 0xF71E19B,
  io_variant_type_int = 0xB888030,
  io_variant_type_uint = 0x7C9F0525,
  io_variant_type_uint8 = 0x107FA9FD,
  io_variant_type_uint16 = 0x2074E8EC,
  io_variant_type_uint64 = 0x2074E98F,
  io_variant_type_bool = 0x7C94B391,
  io_variant_type_name = 0x7C9B0C46,
  io_variant_type_vec2 = 0x7C9F7ED5,
  io_variant_type_vec3 = 0x7C9F7ED6,
  io_variant_type_vec4 = 0x7C9F7ED7,
  io_variant_type_quat = 0x7C9D0500,
  io_variant_type_ivec2 = 0xFAD7C5E,
  io_variant_type_ivec3 = 0xFAD7C5F,
  io_variant_type_ivec4 = 0xFAD7C60,
  io_variant_type_uvec2 = 0x1086A26A,
  io_variant_type_uvec3 = 0x1086A26B,
  io_variant_type_u8vec3 = 0x1D0261E3,
  io_variant_type_u16vec3 = 0xA87DC2F2,
  io_variant_type_uvec4 = 0x1086A26C

// Various internal constants used for refs
enum io_ref_internal_
  io_ref_internal_max_id = 65534u,        // Max valid ID, 2^16 - 2
  io_ref_internal_max_gen_id = 253u,      // Max valid gen ID, 2^8 - 3
  io_ref_internal_max_type_id = 254u,     // Max valid type ID, 2^8 - 2
  io_ref_internal_invalid_id = 65535u,    // Indicates invalid ID
  io_ref_internal_invalid_gen_id = 255u,  // Indicates invalid generation ID
  io_ref_internal_invalid_type_id = 255u, // Indicates invalid type ID
  io_ref_internal_is_index_gen_id = 254u  // Indicates ID is index

// Data types and type definitions

// Ref type
typedef struct
  io_uint16_t id;  // ID of the ref
  io_uint8_t gen;  // Generation of the ref
  io_uint8_t type; // Type ID of the ref
} io_ref_t;

// Name type
typedef struct
  io_uint32_t hash;
} io_name_t;

// 16-bit handle type
typedef struct
  io_uint16_t internal;
} io_handle16_t;

// 32-bit handle type
typedef struct
  io_uint32_t internal;
} io_handle32_t;

// 64-bit handle type
typedef struct
  io_uint64_t internal;
} io_handle64_t;

// Variant type
typedef struct
  io_name_t type;
  io_uint32_t data[4u];
} io_variant_t;

// Property description type
typedef struct
  const char* name;
  const char* type;
  io_property_flags flags;
} io_property_desc_t;

// Callback function for scheduler tasks
typedef void (*io_scheduler_callback_t)(io_uvec2_t range, io_uint32_t thread_id,
                                        io_uint32_t sub_task_index, void* task);

// Scheduler tasks provide the possibility to spread a given workload to the
// available worker threads of the internal task scheduler.
//   Example: If there are 100 workloads set and 10 worker threads available,
//            the scheduler (with default settings) divides the task up into 10
//            sub tasks. Each of the sub tasks will be in charge of handling 10
//            workloads. Each sub task calls the provided callback function
//            with a range in [0, 10).
//   Usage:  Use the "io_init_scheduler_task" function to initialize the task
//           and dispatch the task via the functions provided via the
//           "io_base_i" interface.
typedef struct io_scheduler_task_t_
  // The total number of workloads this task handles.
  //  Must be greater than 0.
  io_uint32_t num_workloads;

  // The number of workloads to target per worker thread. Modifying this value
  // can be useful for "uneven" workloads, making it possible for worker threads
  // to "steal" additional workloads.
  //   Example: A value of 1 spreads the workloads evenly by creating one sub
  //            task per available worker thread.
  //            A value of 2 creates two sub tasks per worker thread. If a
  //            worker does not finish in time, another worker can "steal" the
  //            second sub task from it.
  //   Default: 1
  io_uint32_t target_num_sub_tasks_per_worker;

  // Callback function called for each of the internal sub-tasks.
  //   Needs to be valid function pointer provided by the
  //   user.
  io_scheduler_callback_t callback;
  // Ooptional dependency which needs to be completed before running this task.
  //   Default: nullptr
  struct io_scheduler_task_t_* dependency;

  // The number of currently active sub-tasks.
  //   Used internally, required to be initialized to 0.
  io_uint64_t running_sub_task_count;
} io_scheduler_task_t;

// Global helper functions, types, and type definitions

// Initializes a task with the given callback for the given amount of tasks
inline void io_init_scheduler_task(io_scheduler_task_t* task,
                                   io_uint32_t num_tasks,
                                   io_scheduler_callback_t callback)
  task->num_workloads = num_tasks;
  task->callback = callback;

  // Defaults
  task->target_num_sub_tasks_per_worker = 1u;
  task->dependency = 0u;

  // Internal
  task->running_sub_task_count = 0u;

// Fixed time step accumulator
// Example usage:
//  // Do this once to initialize the accumulator
//  static io_fixed_step_accumulator accum;
//  io_init(60.0f, &accum);
//  // Do this every frame
//  io_accumulator_add(delta_t, &accum);
//  while (io_accumulator_step(&accum))
//    pos += vel * accum.delta_t;
typedef struct
  io_float32_t update_frequency_in_hz; // The fixed update frequency in Hz
                                       // (steps per second).
  io_float32_t delta_t;                // The delta time (in seconds).
      interpolator; // The interpolation factor that needs to be applied to,
                    // e.g., smoothen the visual representation.
  io_float32_t accumulator; // The accumulated time.

} io_fixed_step_accumulator_t;

// Initializes the provided accumulator. Call this function once when creating a
// new accumulator.
inline void
io_init_fixed_step_accumulator(io_fixed_step_accumulator_t* accumulator,
                               io_float32_t update_frequency_in_hz)
  accumulator->update_frequency_in_hz = update_frequency_in_hz;
  accumulator->delta_t = 1.0f / accumulator->update_frequency_in_hz;
  accumulator->accumulator = 0.0f;
  accumulator->interpolator = 0.0f;

// Call this function once per frame for each accumulator providing the variable
// frame delta time.
inline void io_accumulator_add(io_float32_t delta_t,
                               io_fixed_step_accumulator_t* accumulator)
  accumulator->accumulator += delta_t;

// Returns true if another fixed step should be executed.
inline io_bool_t io_accumulator_step(io_fixed_step_accumulator_t* accumulator)
  io_bool_t stepped = IO_FALSE;
  if (accumulator->accumulator >= accumulator->delta_t)
    accumulator->accumulator -= accumulator->delta_t;
    stepped = IO_TRUE;

  accumulator->interpolator = accumulator->accumulator / accumulator->delta_t;
  return stepped;

// Returns the minimum of x and y.
inline io_uint32_t io_min(io_uint32_t x, io_uint32_t y)
  if (x < y)
    return x;
  return y;

// Returns the maximum of x and y.
inline io_uint32_t io_max(io_uint32_t x, io_uint32_t y)
  if (x > y)
    return x;
  return y;

// Simple and fast hash function
inline io_uint32_t io_hash(const char* data)
  if (0 == data || '\0' == *data)
    return 0u;

  io_uint32_t hash = 5381u;
  while (*data)
    hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (io_uint8_t)(*data++);

  return hash;

// Name related functions

// Converts the given string to a name.
//   Note:  The given string is not being internalized when using
//          this function, hence it won't be possible to request the string for
//          this name. Please use the name related functions provided by the
//          "io_base_i" interface to ensure string internalization.
inline io_name_t io_to_name(const char* string)
  io_name_t name;
  name.hash = io_hash(string);
  return name;

inline io_bool_t io_name_is_equal(io_name_t left, io_name_t right)
  return left.hash == right.hash;

inline io_bool_t io_name_is_not_equal(io_name_t left, io_name_t right)
  return left.hash != right.hash;

// Handle related functions

// Returns an invalid 16-bit handle.
inline io_handle16_t io_handle16_invalid()
  io_handle16_t handle;
  handle.internal = (io_uint16_t)-1;
  return handle;

// Returns an invalid 32-bit handle.
inline io_handle32_t io_handle32_invalid()
  io_handle32_t handle;
  handle.internal = (io_uint32_t)-1;
  return handle;

// Returns an invalid 64-bit handle.
inline io_handle64_t io_handle64_invalid()
  io_handle64_t handle;
  handle.internal = (io_uint64_t)-1;
  return handle;

// Returns true if the given 16-bit handle is valid.
inline io_bool_t io_handle16_is_valid(io_handle16_t handle)
  return handle.internal != (io_uint16_t)-1;

// Returns true if the given 32-bit handle is valid.
inline io_bool_t io_handle32_is_valid(io_handle32_t handle)
  return handle.internal != (io_uint32_t)-1;

// Returns true if the given 64-bit handle is valid.
inline io_bool_t io_handle64_is_valid(io_handle64_t handle)
  return handle.internal != (io_uint64_t)-1;

// Ref related functions

// Returns an invalid ref.
inline io_ref_t io_ref_invalid()
  io_ref_t ref;
  { = io_ref_internal_invalid_id;
    ref.gen = io_ref_internal_invalid_gen_id;
    ref.type = io_ref_internal_invalid_type_id;
  return ref;

// Returns true if the given ref is valid.
inline io_bool_t io_ref_is_valid(io_ref_t ref)
  return != io_ref_internal_invalid_id &&
         ref.gen != io_ref_internal_invalid_gen_id;

// Returns true if both refs are equal.
inline io_bool_t io_ref_is_equal(io_ref_t left, io_ref_t right)
  return == && left.gen == right.gen &&
         left.type == right.type;

// Variant related functions

// Creates a new variant from a float value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_float(io_float32_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_float;
    *(io_float32_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a float.
inline io_float32_t io_variant_get_float(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_float)
    return 0.0f;
  return *(io_float32_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a signed integer value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_int(io_int32_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_int;
    *(io_int32_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a signed integer.
inline io_int32_t io_variant_get_int(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_int)
    return 0;
  return *(io_int32_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an unsigned integer value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uint(io_uint32_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uint;
    *(io_uint32_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an unsigned integer.
inline io_uint32_t io_variant_get_uint(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uint)
    return 0u;
  return *(io_uint32_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a 8-bit unsigned integer value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uint8(io_uint8_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uint8;
    *(io_uint8_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a 8-bit unsigned integer.
inline io_uint8_t io_variant_get_uint8(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uint8)
    return 0u;
  return *(io_uint8_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a 16-bit unsigned integer value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uint16(io_uint16_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uint16;
    *(io_uint16_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
inline io_uint16_t io_variant_get_uint16(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uint16)
    return 0u;
  return *(io_uint16_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a 64-bit unsigned integer value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uint64(io_uint64_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uint64;
    *(io_uint64_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a 64-bit unsigned integer.
inline io_uint64_t io_variant_get_uint64(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uint64)
    return 0ull;
  return *(io_uint64_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a boolean value.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_bool(io_bool_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_bool;
    *(io_bool_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a boolean value.
inline io_bool_t io_variant_get_bool(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uint64)
    return IO_FALSE;
  return *(io_bool_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a name.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_name(io_name_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_name;
    *(io_name_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Creates a new variant from a string.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_string(const char* value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_name;
    *(io_name_t*) = io_to_name(value);
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a name.
inline io_name_t io_variant_get_name(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_name)
    io_name_t name;
    name.hash = 0u;
    return name;
  return *(io_name_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a vec2.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_vec2(io_vec2_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_vec2;
    *(io_vec2_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a vec2.
inline io_vec2_t io_variant_get_vec2(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_vec2)
    io_vec2_t vec;
    vec.x = 0.0f;
    vec.y = 0.0f;
    return vec;
  return *(io_vec2_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a vec3.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_vec3(io_vec3_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_vec3;
    *(io_vec3_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a vec3.
inline io_vec3_t io_variant_get_vec3(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_vec3)
    io_vec3_t vec;
    vec.x = 0.0f;
    vec.y = 0.0f;
    vec.z = 0.0f;
    return vec;
  return *(io_vec3_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a vec4.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_vec4(io_vec4_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_vec4;
    *(io_vec4_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a vec4.
inline io_vec4_t io_variant_get_vec4(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_vec4)
    io_vec4_t vec;
    vec.x = 0.0f;
    vec.y = 0.0f;
    vec.z = 0.0f;
    vec.w = 0.0f;
    return vec;
  return *(io_vec4_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a quaternion.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_quat(io_quat_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_quat;
    *(io_quat_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a quaternion.
inline io_quat_t io_variant_get_quat(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_quat)
    io_quat_t quat;
    quat.w = 0.0f;
    quat.x = 0.0f;
    quat.y = 0.0f;
    quat.z = 0.0f;
    return quat;
  return *(io_quat_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an ivec2.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_ivec2(io_ivec2_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_ivec2;
    *(io_ivec2_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an ivec2.
inline io_ivec2_t io_variant_get_ivec2(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_ivec2)
    io_ivec2_t vec;
    vec.x = 0;
    vec.y = 0;
    return vec;
  return *(io_ivec2_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an ivec3.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_ivec3(io_ivec3_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_ivec3;
    *(io_ivec3_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an ivec3.
inline io_ivec3_t io_variant_get_ivec3(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_ivec3)
    io_ivec3_t vec;
    vec.x = 0;
    vec.y = 0;
    vec.z = 0;
    return vec;
  return *(io_ivec3_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an ivec4.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_ivec4(io_ivec4_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_ivec4;
    *(io_ivec4_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an ivec4.
inline io_ivec4_t io_variant_get_ivec4(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_ivec4)
    io_ivec4_t vec;
    vec.x = 0;
    vec.y = 0;
    vec.z = 0;
    vec.w = 0;
    return vec;
  return *(io_ivec4_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an uvec2.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uvec2(io_uvec2_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uvec2;
    *(io_uvec2_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an uvec2.
inline io_uvec2_t io_variant_get_uvec2(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uvec2)
    io_uvec2_t vec;
    vec.x = 0u;
    vec.y = 0u;
    return vec;
  return *(io_uvec2_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an uvec3.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uvec3(io_uvec3_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uvec3;
    *(io_uvec3_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an uvec3.
inline io_uvec3_t io_variant_get_uvec3(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uvec3)
    io_uvec3_t vec;
    vec.x = 0u;
    vec.y = 0u;
    vec.z = 0u;
    return vec;
  return *(io_uvec3_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an 8-bit uvec3.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_u8vec3(io_u8vec3_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_u8vec3;
    *(io_u8vec3_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an 8-bit uvec3.
inline io_u8vec3_t io_variant_get_u8vec3(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_u8vec3)
    io_u8vec3_t vec;
    vec.x = 0u;
    vec.y = 0u;
    vec.z = 0u;
    return vec;
  return *(io_u8vec3_t*);

// Creates a new variant from a 16-bit uvec3.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_u16vec3(io_u16vec3_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_u16vec3;
    *(io_u16vec3_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as a 16-bit uvec3.
inline io_u16vec3_t io_variant_get_u16vec3(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_u16vec3)
    io_u16vec3_t vec;
    vec.x = 0u;
    vec.y = 0u;
    vec.z = 0u;
    return vec;
  return *(io_u16vec3_t*);

// Creates a new variant from an uvec4.
inline io_variant_t io_variant_from_uvec4(io_uvec4_t value)
  io_variant_t v;
    v.type.hash = io_variant_type_uvec4;
    *(io_uvec4_t*) = value;
  return v;
// Gets the value of the variant as an uvec4.
inline io_uvec4_t io_variant_get_uvec4(io_variant_t variant)
  if (variant.type.hash != io_variant_type_uvec4)
    io_uvec4_t vec;
    vec.x = 0u;
    vec.y = 0u;
    vec.z = 0u;
    vec.w = 0u;
    return vec;
  return *(io_uvec4_t*);

// Types and type definitions for API interfaces

// Called when a change to a file was detected.
typedef void (*io_filesystem_on_file_changed_function)(const char* filename,
                                                       const char* filepath);

// Settings for the pathfinding system
typedef struct
  io_uint32_t find_walkable_cell_range; // The range in voxels we're going to
                                        // search for a walkable cell (at the
                                        // start position of the path).
  io_float32_t capsule_radius;          // The capsule radius of the agent.
  io_float32_t capsule_half_height;     // The capsule half height of the agent.
  io_float32_t step_height; // The maximum step the agent is going to take.
  io_float32_t cell_size;   // The size of the cells/voxels we're using for
                            // calculating the path.
      num_max_steps; // The maximum number of iterations to compute per frame.
  io_uint32_t group_mask; // Masking defining the groups to consider for
                          // calculating the path on.
} io_pathfinding_path_settings_t;

// Describes the animation to play via the animation system
typedef struct
  const char* animation_name; // The name of the animation to play

  io_float32_t play_speed;   // The play speed factor, defaults to 1
  io_float32_t blend_weight; // The blend weight, defaults to 1
      blend_in_out_duration; // The time (in seconds) to blend in *and* out
  io_float32_t priority; // The priority. Animation with a higher priority are
                         // applied on top
      delay; // The delay (in seconds) before the animation starts playing
  io_bool_t looping;               // Set to true if the animation should loop
  io_bool_t restore_when_finished; // Set to true to restore the initial node
                                   // transforms when the animation is finished
} io_animation_system_animation_desc_t;

// Physics overlap result data
typedef struct
  io_bool_t hit; // True if an overlap was detected.

  io_ref_t entity; // The first entity that is overlapping.
} io_physics_overlap_result_t;

// Physics raycast result data
typedef struct
  io_bool_t hit; // True if a hit was detected.

  io_float32_t distance; // The distance to the hit.
  io_vec3_t position;    // The position of the hit.
  io_vec3_t normal;      // The normal at the hit position.

  io_ref_t entity; // The entity that was hit.
} io_physics_raycast_result_t;

// Voxel shape raycast result data
typedef struct
  io_float32_t distance; // The distance to the hit.

  io_vec3_t normal;       // The normal of the hit (in world space).
  io_vec3_t normal_local; // The normal of the hit (in local/voxel space).

  io_ref_t shape;    // The shape hit.
  io_u8vec3_t coord; // The local coordinate of the voxel in the shape
                     // we've hit.
} io_component_voxel_shape_raycast_result_t;

// Header for a single event
typedef struct
  io_name_t type; // The type of the event.
      data_size_in_bytes; // The size of the data blob attached to this event.
} io_events_header_t;

// Defines an anchor for UI transformations
typedef struct
  float anchor, offset;
} io_ui_anchor_t;

// Defines a set of anchor offsets for UI transformations
typedef struct
  float left, right, top, bottom;
} io_ui_anchor_offsets_t;

// Defines a rectangle.
typedef struct
  io_vec2_t pos;
  io_vec2_t extent;
} io_ui_rect_t;

// Defines a single particle for the custom particle buffer that can be passed
// to the particle system.
typedef struct
  io_vec3_t pos;     // The position of the particle in world space.
  float size;        // The size of the particle in world units.
  float emissive;    // The emissive intensity. Set to zero for non-emissive
                     // particles.
  io_uint32_t color; // The color encoded as a 32-bit value (4x8 unorm).
} io_particle_system_particle_t;

// Collection of Vulkan internal functions
typedef struct
  // Ptr to function of type "PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr". Can be used to
  // retrieve other Vulkan functions dynamically
  void* vk_get_instance_proc_addr;
  // Ptr to function of type "PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr". Can be used to retrieve
  // other Vulkan functions dynamically
  void* vk_get_device_proc_addr;
} io_low_level_vulkan_functions_t;

// Various (optional) callbacks available for custom components
typedef struct
  // Called when a set of components is created
  void (*on_components_create)(const io_ref_t* components,
                               io_size_t components_length);
  // Called when a set of components is destroyed
  void (*on_components_destroy)(const io_ref_t* components,
                                io_size_t components_length);
} io_custom_components_callbacks_t;

// Event data types

// Physics contact event data
//   Event type name:       "physics_contact"
//   Reported by callback:  "on_physics_events"
typedef struct
  io_ref_t entity0, entity1; // The entities participating in the contact.
  io_vec3_t pos, impulse; // Position and impulse of the contact (not available
                          // for triggers).
  io_name_t type;         // Either "touch_found", "touch_lost",
                          // "trigger_touch_found", or "trigger_touch_lost".
} io_events_data_physics_contact_t;

// Voxel shape fracture event data
//   Event type name:       "shape_fractured"
//   Reported by callback:  "on_shape_events"
typedef struct
  io_ref_t base, chunk; // The base and the chunk shape
  io_u8vec3_t origin;   // The origin of the chunk in the coordinate frame
                        // of the base shape
} io_events_data_shape_fractured_t;

// Voxel shape voxelization completed event data
//   Event type name:       "shape_voxelization_completed"
//   Reported by callback:  "on_shape_events"
typedef struct
  io_ref_t shape; // The shape that has been voxelized
} io_events_data_shape_voxelization_completed_t;

// Interface function declarations and implementations

inline void
io_pathfinding_init_path_settings(io_pathfinding_path_settings_t* settings)
  settings->find_walkable_cell_range = 8u;
  settings->capsule_radius = 0.2f;
  settings->capsule_half_height = 0.4f;
  settings->step_height = 0.2f;
  settings->cell_size = 0.2f;
  settings->num_max_steps = 128u;
  settings->group_mask = 1u; // Shapes only by default

inline void io_animation_system_init_animation_desc(
    io_animation_system_animation_desc_t* desc)
  desc->animation_name = ""; // Has to be set by the user

  desc->play_speed = 1.0f;
  desc->blend_weight = 1.0f;
  desc->blend_in_out_duration = 0.0f;
  desc->priority = 0.0f;
  desc->delay = 0.0f;

  desc->looping = IO_FALSE;
  desc->restore_when_finished = IO_FALSE;

inline const void* io_events_get_data(const io_events_header_t* current)
  if (current->data_size_in_bytes > 0u)
    return (io_uint8_t*)current + sizeof(io_events_header_t);
  return 0;

inline const io_events_header_t*
io_events_get_next(const io_events_header_t* current)
  const io_events_header_t* next =
      (io_events_header_t*)((io_uint8_t*)current + sizeof(io_events_header_t) +
  return next;


// Empty


// Interfaces that need to be implemented by the plugin providers. Only
// implemented functions are called.
// **Make sure to NULL unused function ptrs before registering the interface!**

#define IO_USER_TASK_API_NAME "io_user_task_i"

// Interface for extending the game mode
struct io_user_task_i // NOLINT
  // Called once when the game mode becomes active.
  void (*on_activate)();
  // Called once when the game mode becomes inactive.
  void (*on_deactivate)();

  // Called every frame when the game mode is active.
  void (*on_tick)(io_float32_t delta_t);
  // Called zero or multiple times when the game mode is active.
  //   Please note that the physics scene is advanced at a fixed rate, so the
  //   provided delta time is *constant*.
  void (*on_tick_physics)(io_float32_t delta_t);

#define IO_USER_DEBUG_VIEW_API_NAME "io_user_debug_view_i"

// Interface for providing custom debug views via Dear ImGui
//   Debug views can be cycled through via the F1 key by default in the editor
//   and the game mode
struct io_user_debug_view_i // NOLINT
  // Called when the debug view should be filled using Dear ImGui calls. Called
  // in the context of the current debug view window.
  void (*on_build_debug_view)(io_float32_t delta_t);

#define IO_USER_EDITOR_API_NAME "io_user_editor_i"

// Interface for extending the editor
struct io_user_editor_i // NOLINT
  // Called when building the "Plugin" menu in the editor's menu bar. Extend the
  // menu here using ImGui::MenuItem() etc.
  void (*on_build_plugin_menu)();

  // Called once when the editor becomes active.
  void (*on_activate)();
  // Called once when the editor becomes inactive.
  void (*on_deactivate)();

  // Called every frame when the editor is active.
  void (*on_tick)(io_float32_t delta_t);

#define IO_USER_EDITOR_TOOL_API_NAME "io_user_editor_tool_i"

// Interface for implementing custom editor tools
struct io_user_editor_tool_i // NOLINT
  // Called when the tool is active and should be updated.
  void (*on_tick)(io_float32_t delta_t);

  // Return the icon for displaying the tool in the editor.
  const char* (*get_icon)();
  // Return the tooltip shown when hovering the tool.
  const char* (*get_tooltip)();

#define IO_USER_DENOISER_API_NAME "io_user_denoiser_i"

// Interface for providing denoisers applied when exporting path-traced renders
struct io_user_denoiser_i // NOLINT
  // Requests the name of the denoiser.
  const char* (*get_name)();

  // Request to denoise the input data and write the result to output.
  void (*denoise)(io_uint32_t width, io_uint32_t height, const io_vec4_t* input,
                  io_vec4_t* output);

#define IO_USER_EVENTS_API_NAME "io_user_events_i"

// Interface for subscribing to events from subsystems
struct io_user_events_i // NOLINT
  // Called when physics related events are ready to be processed.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*on_physics_events)(const io_events_header_t* begin,
                            const io_events_header_t* end);
  // Called when voxel shape related events are ready to be processed.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*on_shape_events)(const io_events_header_t* begin,
                          const io_events_header_t* end);

// Interfaces that are provided by IOLITE.

#define IO_API_MANAGER_API_NAME "io_api_manager_i"

// The central interface for registering and retrieving API interfaces
struct io_api_manager_i // NOLINT
  // Registers a new API interface for the given name. Multiple interfaces for
  // the same name are allowed.
  void (*register_api)(const char* name, const void* interface);
  // Unregisters the given API interface.
  void (*unregister_api)(const void* interface);

  // Finds the first API interface for the given name.
  const void* (*find_first)(const char* name);
  // Returns the next API interface for the given type. NULL if none is found.
  const void* (*get_next)(const void* interface);

#define IO_BASE_API_NAME "io_base_i"

// Collection of global functions which are not tied to a certain
// subsystem
struct io_base_i // NOLINT
  // Names

  // Internalizes the given string and returns a name.
  io_name_t (*name_from_string)(const char* string);
  // Returns the internalized string for the given name.
  const char* (*name_get_string)(io_name_t name);

  // Memory management. Provides a TLSF-backed, thread-safe allocator which
  // features allocation tracking.

  // Allocates a memory area with the given size.
  void* (*mem_allocate)(io_size_t size_in_bytes);
  // Allocates a memory area with the given size and alignment.
  void* (*mem_allocate_aligned)(io_size_t size_in_bytes,
                                io_size_t alignment_in_bytes);
  // Frees the provided memory area.
  void (*mem_free)(void* ptr);

  // Task scheduler

  // Enqueues and kicks the given task
  void (*scheduler_enqueue_task)(io_scheduler_task_t* task);
  // Waits till the given task is completed
  void (*scheduler_wait_for_task)(const io_scheduler_task_t* task);
  // Returns true if the given task is completed
  io_bool_t (*scheduler_is_task_completed)(const io_scheduler_task_t* task);

#define IO_LOGGING_API_NAME "io_logging_i"

// Provides access to the logging subsystem
struct io_logging_i // NOLINT
  // Logs the given message as information.
  void (*log_info)(const char* msg);
  // Logs the given message as a warning.
  void (*log_warning)(const char* msg);
  // Logs the given message as a error.
  void (*log_error)(const char* msg);

  // Logs the given message, highlighted as a message originating from a plugin.
  void (*log_plugin)(const char* plugin_tag, const char* msg);

#define IO_EDITOR_API_NAME "io_editor_i"

// Provides access to the editor
struct io_editor_i // NOLINT
  // Selects the provided node.
  //   Pass an invalid ref for the "node" parameter to clear the selection.
  void (*select_node)(io_ref_t node);

  // Returns the first selected node.
  io_ref_t (*get_first_selected_node)();
  // Returns the first selected entity.
  io_ref_t (*get_first_selected_entity)();

  // Pushes the *current* state of the given entity onto the undo/redo stack.
  //   Use this function before editing an entity to enable undoing and redoing
  //   the change. The "skip_serialization" parameter can be used when the
  //   entity in question has just been created and the according undo operation
  //   should delete it again. The "change" parameter expects a short and
  //   meaningful description of the executed change, e.g., "Shape Edited",
  //   "Entity Translated", etc.
  void (*push_undo_redo_state_for_entity)(const char* change, io_ref_t entity,
                                          io_bool_t skip_serialization);

#define IO_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS_API_NAME "io_custom_components_i"

// Interface for managing and working with custom components
struct io_custom_components_i // NOLINT
  // Registering and configuring custom components

  // Requests a new custom component manager to configure.
  io_handle16_t (*request_manager)();
  // Releases and destroys the given custom component manager.
  void (*release_and_destroy_manager)(io_handle16_t manager);

  // Registers a new property with the given name, default value, optional
  // accessor, and flags.
  //   - Registering properties is only allowed *before* calling "init_manager".
  //   - The type of the property is derived from the type of the
  //     "default_value" variant.
  //   - The "accessor" parameter is optional (set to NULL if not needed) and
  //     can point to a *pointer* of the property's type. The accessor needs to
  //     be available while the manager is registered and gets dynamically
  //     updated in case the property memory changes (when the manager runs over
  //     its capacity). Alternatively, the property memory can be queried using
  //     the "get_property_memory" function.
  //   - The accessors will be initialized *after* calling "init_manager".
  void (*register_property)(io_handle16_t manager, const char* name,
                            io_variant_t default_value, void** accessor,
                            io_property_flags flags);

  // Registers the given set of callback functions for the given manager.
  void (*register_callbacks)(io_handle16_t manager,
                             const io_custom_components_callbacks_t* callbacks);

  // Initializes the manager and makes it available under the given (type) name.
  //   Call this *once* after all properties have been registered.
  void (*init_manager)(io_handle16_t manager, const char* type);

  // Returns the type ID for this type of component.
  io_ref_type_id_t (*get_type_id)(io_handle16_t manager);

  // Functions to interact with components and their properties

  // Creates a new custom component and attaches it to the provided parent
  // entity.
  io_ref_t (*create_custom_component)(io_handle16_t manager,
                                      io_ref_t parent_entity);
  // Destroys the given custom component.
  void (*destroy_custom_component)(io_handle16_t manager, io_ref_t component);

  // Gets the linear memory for the property with the given name.
  //  Don't cache the returned pointer! The property memory will change when
  //  the manager runs over its current capacity.
  void* (*get_property_memory)(io_handle16_t manager, const char* name);

  // Gets a pointer to a pointer pointing to the linear memory for the
  // property with the given name. The referenced pointer is updated if the
  // internal memory changes.
  //   It's only safe to cache the returned pointer when all properties have
  //   been registered.
  void** (*get_property_memory_ptr)(io_handle16_t manager, const char* name);

  // Gets the linear memory storing the entities of the active components.
  //  Don't cache the returned pointer! The property memory will change when
  //  the manager runs over its current capacity.
  io_ref_t* (*get_entity_memory)(io_handle16_t manager);
  // Gets a pointer to a pointer pointing to the linear memory storing the
  // entities of the active components. The referenced pointer is updated if the
  // internal memory changes.
  io_ref_t** (*get_entity_memory_ptr)(io_handle16_t manager);

  // Returns the number of active components.
  io_size_t (*get_num_active_components)(io_handle16_t manager);

  // Gets the entity the given component is attached to.
  io_ref_t (*get_entity)(io_handle16_t manager, io_ref_t component);
  // Gets the component for the given entity (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_component_for_entity)(io_handle16_t manager, io_ref_t entity);
  // Returns true if the provided component is alive.
  io_bool_t (*is_alive)(io_handle16_t manager, io_ref_t component);

  // Converts the given index to a ref.
  io_ref_t (*make_ref)(io_handle16_t manager, io_ref_index_t component_index);
  // Converts the given ref to an index.
  io_ref_index_t (*make_index)(io_handle16_t manager, io_ref_t component);

#define IO_CUSTOM_EVENT_STREAMS_API_NAME "io_custom_event_streams"

// Interface for managing and working with custom event streams
struct io_custom_event_streams_i // NOLINT
  // Requests a new event stream to use.
  io_handle16_t (*request_event_stream)();
  // Releases and destroys the given event stream.
  void (*release_and_destroy_event_stream)(io_handle16_t stream);

  // Posts a new event to the event stream with an optional data chunk attached
  // to it.
  //   Note: The "event_data" can be nullptr if the "event_data_size_in_bytes"
  //         is also zero.
  void (*post_event)(io_handle16_t stream, const char* event_type,
                     void* event_data, io_uint32_t event_data_size_in_bytes);

  // Posts a new event to the event stream with an uninitialized data chunk of
  // the given size. Returns the pointer to the data chunk which
  // can *then* be initialized by the user. Returns nullptr if the size of the
  // data chunk is zero.
  void* (*post_event_uninitialized)(io_handle16_t stream,
                                    const char* event_type,
                                    io_uint32_t event_data_size_in_bytes);

  // Returns the "begin" and "end" ptr for processing the currently available
  // events.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*process_events)(io_handle16_t stream, const io_events_header_t** begin,
                         const io_events_header_t** end);

  // Resets the given event stream. Call this when you have fully processed the
  // events.
  void (*reset)(io_handle16_t stream);

#define IO_SETTINGS_API_NAME "io_settings_i"

// Provides access to the settings subsystem
struct io_settings_i // NOLINT
  // Sets the given boolean setting.
  void (*set_bool)(const char* name, io_bool_t value);
  // Gets the given boolean setting.
  io_bool_t (*get_bool)(const char* name);

  // Sets the given unsigned integer setting.
  void (*set_uint)(const char* name, io_uint32_t value);
  // Gets the given unsigned integer setting.
  io_uint32_t (*get_uint)(const char* name);

  // Sets the given float setting.
  void (*set_float)(const char* name, io_float32_t value);
  // Gets the given float setting.
  io_float32_t (*get_float)(const char* name);

  // Sets the given string setting.
  void (*set_string)(const char* name, const char* value);
  // Gets the given string setting.
  const char* (*get_string)(const char* name);

#define IO_UI_API_NAME "io_ui_i"

// Provides access to the UI subsystem
struct io_ui_i // NOLINT
  // Draws a rectangle.
  void (*draw_rect)(io_vec4_t color);
  // Draws a circle.
  void (*draw_circle)(io_vec4_t color);
  // Draws a n-sided polygon.
  void (*draw_ngon)(io_vec4_t color, io_uint32_t num_sides);

  // Draws the given image.
  void (*draw_image)(const char* name, io_vec4_t tint);
  // Gets the size of the given image (in px).
  io_vec2_t (*get_image_size)(const char* name);

  // Draws the given text.
  void (*draw_text)(const char* text,
                    io_ui_text_align_horizontal align_horizontal,
                    io_ui_text_align_vertical align_vertical,
                    io_ui_text_flag flags);
  // Calculates the bounding rectangle for the given text and settings.
  io_ui_rect_t (*calc_text_bounds)(const char* text,
                                   io_ui_text_align_horizontal align_horizontal,
                                   io_ui_text_align_vertical align_vertical,
                                   io_ui_text_flag flags);
  // Returns the bounding rectangle for the last text that has been drawn.
  io_ui_rect_t (*get_last_text_bounds)();

  // Pushes the transform defined by the anchors and rotation (in rad).
  void (*push_transform)(io_ui_anchor_t left, io_ui_anchor_t right,
                         io_ui_anchor_t top, io_ui_anchor_t bottom,
                         io_float32_t rotation);
  // Pushes the transform defined by the anchor preset, offsets, and rotation
  // (in rad).
  void (*push_transform_preset)(io_ui_anchor_preset preset,
                                io_ui_anchor_offsets_t offsets,
                                io_float32_t rotation);
  // Pops the last transform from the stack and sets it.
  void (*pop_transform)();

  // Calculates the scale and offset for the given base size and according
  // to the aspect mode.
  void (*push_scale_offset_for_base_size)(io_vec2_t base_size,
                                          io_ui_aspect_mode aspect_mode);
  // Pushes the current scale and offset to the stack and activates the given
  // parameters.
  void (*push_scale_offset)(io_float32_t scale, io_vec2_t offset);
  // Pops the last scale and offset from the stack and sets it.
  void (*pop_scale_offset)();

  // Pushes the current style variation float value to the stack and sets the
  // given one.
  void (*push_style_var_float)(io_ui_style_var var, io_float32_t value);
  // Pushes the current style variation vec4 value to the stack and sets the
  // given one.
  void (*push_style_var_vec4)(io_ui_style_var var, io_vec4_t value);
  void (*pop_style_var)();

  // Clips the children of the current transform.
  void (*clip_children)();

  // Pushes the current font size to the stack and sets the given one.
  void (*push_font_size)(io_float32_t size);
  // Pops the last font size from the stack and sets it.
  void (*pop_font_size)();

  // Returns true if the given position (in px) intersects the current
  // transform.
  io_bool_t (*intersects)(io_vec2_t position);

#define IO_WORLD_API_NAME "io_world_i"

// Provides access to the world subsystem
struct io_world_i // NOLINT
  // Gets the root node of the world.
  io_ref_t (*get_root_node)();
  // Gets the name of the currently loaded world
  const char* (*get_world_name)();

  // Loads the world with the given name.
  void (*load_world)(const char* name);
  // Saves the current world under the given name.
  void (*save_world)(const char* name);

  // Spawns the prefab with the given name.
  io_ref_t (*spawn_prefab)(const char* name);

  // Retrieves the currently active camera.
  io_ref_t (*get_active_camera)();

  // Gets the current time factor.
  io_float32_t (*get_current_time_factor)();
  // Pushes the current time factor to the stack and applies the given one.
  //   Use this to speed up or slow down the game time.
  void (*push_time_factor)(io_float32_t factor);
  // Pops the last time factor from the stack and activates it.
  void (*pop_time_factor)();

  // Applies radius damage with the given parameters at the given position.
  void (*radius_damage)(io_vec3_t pos, io_float32_t radius,
                        io_world_radius_damage_flags flags,
                        io_uint32_t group_mask, float max_hardness);

  // Calculates a ray from the current camera position to the position of the
  // mouse.
  void (*calc_mouse_ray)(io_vec3_t* origin, io_vec3_t* dir);

  // Enables a visual highlight (transparent overlay and/or outline) for the
  // given node.
  //    Pass an invalid ref for the "node" parameter to remove the highlight.
  void (*highlight_node)(io_ref_t node, io_vec4_t color, io_bool_t outline);

#define IO_SAVE_DATA_API_NAME "io_save_data_i"

// Provides access to the save data subsystem
struct io_save_data_i // NOLINT
  // Saves the provided node hierarchy to the user data directory.
  void (*save_to_user_data)(const char* filename, io_ref_t node);
  // Loads the node hierarchy from the provided file in the user data directory.
  io_ref_t (*load_from_user_data)(const char* filename);

#define IO_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_API_NAME "io_particle_system_i"

// Provides access to the particle subsystem
struct io_particle_system_i // NOLINT
  // Spawns a particle emitter for the given effect.
  io_handle16_t (*spawn_particle_emitter)(const char* effect_name,
                                          io_vec3_t position,
                                          io_float32_t lifetime_in_seconds,
                                          io_bool_t adjust_spawn_rate);
  // Despawns the given emitter.
  void (*despawn_particle_emitter)(io_handle16_t emitter);

  // Attaches the given emitter to the given node. Pass an invalid ref to detach
  // it.
  void (*attach_to_node)(io_handle16_t emitter, io_ref_t node);

  // Sets the spawn rate for the given emitter.
  void (*set_spawn_rate)(io_handle16_t emitter, io_float32_t spawn_rate);
  // Sets the position for the given emitter.
  void (*set_position)(io_handle16_t emitter, io_vec3_t position);
  // Sets the scale for the given emitter.
  void (*set_scale)(io_handle16_t emitter, float scale);
  // Sets the scale for the given emitter.
  void (*set_emission_direction)(io_handle16_t emitter, io_vec3_t direction);

  // Sets or updates a custom particle buffer. Pass a nullptr as buffer to unset
  // it.
  void (*set_custom_particle_buffer)(
      const io_particle_system_particle_t* buffer, io_size_t num_particles);

#define IO_INPUT_SYSTEM_API_NAME "io_input_system_i"

// Provides access to the input subsystem
struct io_input_system_i // NOLINT
  // Gets the state of the given key.
  io_input_key_state (*get_key_state)(io_input_key key, io_uint8_t player_id);
  // Gets the state of the given axis.
  io_float32_t (*get_axis_state)(io_input_axis axis, io_uint8_t player_id);

  // Gets the mouse position in pixels.
  io_vec2_t (*get_mouse_pos)();
  // Gets the position of the mouse in the viewport.
  io_vec2_t (*get_mouse_pos_viewport)();
  // Gets the mouse position relative to the last one (mouse movement).
  io_vec2_t (*get_mouse_pos_relative)();

  // Call this every frame to show the mouse cursor.
  void (*request_mouse_cursor)();

#define IO_ANIMATION_SYSTEM_API_NAME "io_animation_system_i"

// Provides access to the animation subsystem
struct io_animation_system_i // NOLINT
  // Plays the given animation on the provided node and returns the animation
  // instance handle.
  io_handle64_t (*play_animation)(
      io_ref_t node, const io_animation_system_animation_desc_t* desc);

  // Stops the provided animation instance.
  void (*stop_animation)(io_handle64_t instance);
  // Stops all animations instances running on the provided node.
  void (*stop_animations)(io_ref_t node);
  // Stop all animations instances running on the provided node and its
  // hierarchy.
  void (*stop_all_animations)(io_ref_t node);

  // Pauses the given animation.
  void (*pause_animation)(io_handle64_t instance);
  // Resumes the given (paused) animation.
  void (*resume_animation)(io_handle64_t instance);

  // Returns true if the given animation instance is finished.
  // Please note that finished instances can not be resumed and any operation on
  // a finished instance equals a NOP.
  io_bool_t (*is_finished)(io_handle64_t instance);

  // Animates the blend weight of the animation instance towards the provided
  // target blend weight. Optionally stops the animation instance after the
  // blending finished.
  void (*blend_in_out)(io_handle64_t instance, io_float32_t target_blend_weight,
                       io_float32_t duration, io_float32_t delay,
                       io_bool_t stop_animation);

  // Returns the current blend weight for the provided animation instance.
  io_float32_t (*get_blend_weight)(io_handle64_t instance);
  // Sets the blend weight for the provided animation instance.
  void (*set_blend_weight)(io_handle64_t instance, io_float32_t blend_weight);

  // Returns the current play speed for the provided animation instance.
  io_float32_t (*get_play_speed)(io_handle64_t instance);
  // Sets the play speed for the provided animation instance.
  void (*set_play_speed)(io_handle64_t instance, io_float32_t play_speed);

  // Returns the current timeline position for the provided animation instance.
  io_float32_t (*get_timeline_position)(io_handle64_t instance);
  // Sets the timeline position for the provided animation instance.
  void (*set_timeline_position)(io_handle64_t instance,
                                io_float32_t timeline_position);

#define IO_PHYSICS_API_NAME "io_physics_i"

// Provides access to the physics subsystem
struct io_physics_i // NOLINT
  // Sets the global gravity.
  void (*set_gravity)(io_vec3_t gravity);
  // Gets the global gravity
  io_vec3_t (*get_gravity)();

  // Performs a sphere overlap test.
  io_physics_overlap_result_t (*overlap_sphere)(io_vec3_t position,
                                                io_float32_t radius,
                                                io_uint32_t group_mask);
  // Performs a sphere sweep test in the given direction.
  io_physics_raycast_result_t (*sweep_sphere)(io_vec3_t position,
                                              io_float32_t radius,
                                              io_vec3_t direction,
                                              io_float32_t distance,
                                              io_uint32_t group_mask);
  // Performs a raycast.
  io_physics_raycast_result_t (*raycast)(io_vec3_t origin, io_vec3_t direction,
                                         io_float32_t distance,
                                         io_uint32_t group_mask);

#define IO_DEBUG_GEOMETRY_API_NAME "io_debug_geometry_i"

// Provides access to the debug geometry subsystem
struct io_debug_geometry_i // NOLINT
  // Simple draw functions

  // Draws a line.
  void (*draw_line)(io_vec3_t start, io_vec3_t end, io_vec4_t color,
                    io_bool_t always_in_front);

  // Draws a sphere.
  void (*draw_sphere)(io_vec3_t center, io_float32_t radius, io_vec4_t color,
                      io_bool_t always_in_front);

  // Draws a box.
  void (*draw_box)(io_vec3_t center, io_quat_t orientation, io_vec3_t extent,
                   io_vec4_t color, io_bool_t always_in_front,
                   io_box_face_flags face_flags);
  // Draws a solid box.
  void (*draw_solid_box)(io_vec3_t center, io_quat_t orientation,
                         io_vec3_t extent, io_vec4_t color,
                         io_bool_t always_in_front,
                         io_box_face_flags face_flags);

  // Batched draw functions

  // Draws the given lines.
  //   Line 1: positions[0], positions[1]
  //   Line 2: positions[2], positions[3]
  //   ...
  void (*draw_lines)(io_vec3_t* positions, io_size_t num_positions,
                     io_vec4_t color, io_bool_t always_in_front);
  // Draws the given line strip.
  //   Line 1: positions[0], positions[1]
  //   Line 2: positions[1], positions[2]
  //  ...
  void (*draw_line_strip)(io_vec3_t* positions, io_size_t num_positions,
                          io_vec4_t color, io_bool_t always_in_front);

  // Draws the given triangles.
  //   Triangle 1: positions[0], positions[1], positions[2]
  //   Triangle 2: positions[3], positions[4], positions[5]
  //   ...
  void (*draw_solid_triangles)(io_vec3_t* positions, io_size_t num_positions,
                               io_vec4_t color, io_bool_t always_in_front);

  // Enables software back face culling between the begin/end calls.
  void (*backface_culling_begin)();
  void (*backface_culling_end)();

#define IO_SOUND_API_NAME "io_sound_i"

// Provides access to the sound subsystem
struct io_sound_i // NOLINT
  // Plays the sound effect with the given name.
  io_handle64_t (*play_sound_effect)(const char* effect_name);
  // Stops the given sound effect.
  void (*stop_sound_effect)(io_handle64_t effect_handle);

  // Sets the position of the given sound effect.
  void (*set_position)(io_handle64_t effect_handle, io_vec3_t position);

  // Gets the current audio spectrum.
  void (*get_spectrum)(const io_float32_t** spectrum,
                       io_size_t* spectrum_length);

#define IO_PATHFINDING_API_NAME "io_pathfinding_i"

// Provides access to the pathfinding subsystem
struct io_pathfinding_i // NOLINT
  // Starts finding a path from "start" to "end".
  io_handle16_t (*find_path)(io_vec3_t start, io_vec3_t end,
                             const io_pathfinding_path_settings_t* settings);

  // Returns true if the given path handle is valid.
  io_bool_t (*is_valid)(io_handle16_t path_handle);

  // Resets the path.
  void (*reset_path)(io_handle16_t path_handle);
  // Destroys the path.
  void (*destroy_path)(io_handle16_t path_handle);

  // Returns true if a valid path has been found.
  io_bool_t (*is_path_found)(io_handle16_t path_handle);
  // Returns the next position on the path.
  io_bool_t (*get_next_position_on_path)(io_handle16_t path_handle,
                                         io_vec3_t* next_position);

  // Draws the given path.
  void (*draw_path)(io_handle16_t path_handle, io_vec4_t color,
                    io_bool_t always_in_front);
  // Draws the debug geometry for the given path.
  void (*draw_debug_geometry)(io_handle16_t path_handle,
                              io_bool_t always_in_front);

#define IO_FILESYSTEM_API_NAME "io_filesystem_i"

// Provides various file system related functions
struct io_filesystem_i // NOLINT
  // Accessing files in data sources

  // Tries to load the given file from the first data source (directory or
  // package) it is available in.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  io_bool_t (*load_file_from_data_source)(const char* filepath,
                                          io_uint8_t* buffer,
                                          io_size_t* buffer_length);

  // User data access

  // Creates or retrieves either the user directory or a subdirectory in the
  // user directory. "Subdirectory" is optional and can be NULL.
  void (*create_or_retrieve_user_directory)(const char* subdirectory,
                                            char* buffer,
                                            io_size_t* buffer_length);

  // File system watches

  // Watches the given directory and calls "callback" when a file changes.
  void (*watch_directory)(const char* directory_path,
                          io_filesystem_on_file_changed_function callback);
  // Watches the given directory in *all* data sources and calls "callback" when
  // a file changes.
  void (*watch_data_source_directory)(
      const char* directory_path,
      io_filesystem_on_file_changed_function callback);
  // Removes all watches using the given callback function.
  void (*remove_directory_watch)(io_filesystem_on_file_changed_function);

#define IO_ENTITY_API_NAME "io_entity_i"

// Provides access to entities
struct io_entity_i // NOLINT
  // Gets the type ID for entities.
  io_ref_type_id_t (*get_type_id)();
  // Returns true if the given entity is alive.
  io_bool_t (*is_alive)(io_ref_t entity);

  // Gets the name of the given entity.
  const char* (*get_name)(io_ref_t entity);
  // Gets the UUID of the given entity.
  io_uuid_t (*get_uuid)(io_ref_t entity);

  // Returns the linear memory containing all the names for all active entities.
  io_name_t* (*get_name_memory)();

  // Finds the first entity with the given name.
  io_ref_t (*find_first_entity_with_name)(const char* name);
  // Finds the first entity with the given UUID.
  io_ref_t (*find_entity_with_uuid)(io_uuid_t uuid);

  // Finds all entities with the given name.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*find_entities_with_name)(const char* name, io_ref_t* entities,
                                  io_size_t* entities_length);

  // Copies and initializes the component of the given type from the source
  // entity to the given target entity.
  //   Rules:
  //     - If the component does not exist on the target entity, a new
  //       component with the properties of the component of the source
  //       entity is created and initialized.
  //     - If the component already exists on the target entity, the
  //       component properties are copied from the source component and
  //       the component gets reinitialized.
  //     - If the component of the given type name does not exist, nothing
  //       is executed.
  //     - If the source component does not have a component of the given type,
  //       nothing is executed
  void (*copy_component_from_entity)(io_ref_t entity_target,
                                     io_ref_t entity_source,
                                     const char* component_type_name);

// Base interface all components provide
//   *Not all functions are provided by all components*
typedef struct
  // Returns the type ID for this type of component.
  io_ref_type_id_t (*get_type_id)();

  // Creates a new component and attaches it to the provided parent entity.
  io_ref_t (*create)(io_ref_t parent_entity);
  // Destroys the given component.
  void (*destroy)(io_ref_t component);

  // Commits any changes and reloads the internals of the component.
  void (*commit_changes)(io_ref_t component);

  // Returns the number of active components.
  io_size_t (*get_num_active_components)();
  // Gets the component for the given entity (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_component_for_entity)(io_ref_t entity);

  // Returns a ref for the given linear component index.
  io_ref_t (*make_ref)(io_ref_index_t component_index);
  // Returns the linear component index for the given ref
  io_ref_index_t (*make_index)(io_ref_t component);

  // Returns true if the given component is alive.
  io_bool_t (*is_alive)(io_ref_t component);
  // Gets the entity the given component is attached to.
  io_ref_t (*get_entity)(io_ref_t component);

  // Sets the property of the given component to the provided value.
  void (*set_property)(io_ref_t component, const char* name,
                       io_variant_t value);
  // Gets the property of the given component as a variant.
  io_variant_t (*get_property)(io_ref_t component, const char* name);

  // Gets the linear memory for the property with the given name.
  //  Don't cache the returned pointer! The property memory will change when
  //  the manager runs over its current capacity.
  void* (*get_property_memory)(const char* name);

  // Gets a pointer to a pointer pointing to the linear memory for the
  // property with the given name. The referenced pointer is updated if the
  // internal memory changes.
  //   It's only safe to cache the returned pointer when all properties have
  //   been registered.
  void** (*get_property_memory_ptr)(const char* name);

  // Returns the linear memory containing the entities for all active
  // components.
  io_ref_t* (*get_entity_memory)();
  // Gets a pointer to a pointer pointing to the linear memory storing the
  // entities of the active components. The referenced pointer is updated if the
  // internal memory changes.
  io_ref_t** (*get_entity_memory_ptr)();

  // Returns a list of property descriptions for all the properties the
  // component provides.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*list_properties)(io_property_desc_t* property_descs,
                          io_size_t* property_descs_length);
} io_component_base_i;

#define IO_COMPONENT_NODE_API_NAME "io_component_node_i"

// Provides access to node components
struct io_component_node_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Creates a new node and attaches it to the current world's root node.
  io_ref_t (*create)(const char* name);
  // Creates a new node and attaches it to the provided parent node.
  //   See the documentation of the "attach" function regarding
  //   the "ignore_parent" parameter.
  io_ref_t (*create_with_parent)(const char* name, io_ref_t parent,
                                 io_bool_t ignore_parent);

  // Attaches the given child node to the provided parent node.
  //   By default, the transform of the parent node is considered so the child
  //   node keeps its world transform. Set the "ignore_parent" parameter to
  //   "true" to avoid this behavior and ignore the parent transform.
  void (*attach)(io_ref_t parent, io_ref_t child, io_bool_t ignore_parent);

  // Returns the depth of the node in the hierarchy.
  //   0: World root node
  //   1: All children of the world root node
  //   2: All children of a child of the world root node
  //   3: ..., and so on
  io_uint32_t (*get_depth)(io_ref_t node);

  // Retrieves the parent node (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_parent)(io_ref_t node);
  // Retrieves the first child of the node (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_first_child)(io_ref_t node);
  // Retrieves the next sibling node (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_next_sibling)(io_ref_t node);
  // Retrieves the previous sibling node (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_prev_sibling)(io_ref_t node);

  // Sets the hidden state of the node.
  void (*set_hidden)(io_ref_t node, io_bool_t hidden);
  // Returns true if the node is hidden, false otherwise.
  io_bool_t (*is_hidden)(io_ref_t node);

  // Sets the position for the given node.
  void (*set_position)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t pos);
  // Gets the position of the given node.
  io_vec3_t (*get_position)(io_ref_t node);
  // Gets the linear memory containing the positions of all active nodes
  io_vec3_t* (*get_position_memory)();

  // Sets the world position for the given node.
  void (*set_world_position)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t pos);
  // Gets the world position of the given node.
  io_vec3_t (*get_world_position)(io_ref_t node);

  // Sets the size for the given node.
  void (*set_size)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t size);
  // Gets the size of the given node.
  io_vec3_t (*get_size)(io_ref_t node);
  // Gets the linear memory containing the sizes of all active nodes
  io_vec3_t* (*get_size_memory)();

  // Sets the world size for the given node.
  void (*set_world_size)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t size);
  // Gets the world size of the given node.
  io_vec3_t (*get_world_size)(io_ref_t node);

  // Sets the orientation for the given node.
  void (*set_orientation)(io_ref_t node, io_quat_t orient);
  // Gets the orientation of the given node.
  io_quat_t (*get_orientation)(io_ref_t node);
  // Gets the linear memory containing the orientations of all active nodes
  io_quat_t* (*get_orientation_memory)();

  // Sets the world orientation for the given node.
  void (*set_world_orientation)(io_ref_t node, io_quat_t orient);
  // Gets the world orientation of the given node.
  io_quat_t (*get_world_orientation)(io_ref_t node);

  // Transform the given world space position to the local space of the node.
  io_vec3_t (*to_local_space)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t pos);
  // Transform the given world space direction to the local space of the node.
  io_vec3_t (*to_local_space_direction)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t dir);
  // Transform the given local space position to world space.
  io_vec3_t (*to_world_space)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t pos);
  // Transform the given local space direction to world space.
  io_vec3_t (*to_world_space_direction)(io_ref_t node, io_vec3_t dir);

  // Collects all nodes in the hierarchy (depth first ordering).
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*collect_nodes_depth_first)(io_ref_t root_node, io_ref_t* nodes,
                                    io_size_t* nodes_length);
  // Collects all nodes in the hierarchy (breadth first ordering).
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*collect_nodes_breadth_first)(io_ref_t root_node, io_ref_t* nodes,
                                      io_size_t* nodes_length);

  // Updates the transforms of the node hierarchy.
  void (*update_transforms)(io_ref_t node);
  // Updates the transforms of the node hierarchy in parallel (if possible).
  void (*update_transforms_jobified)(const io_ref_t* nodes,
                                     io_size_t nodes_length);

  // Iterates over all the provided nodes and returns the ones which intersect
  // the given point.
  //   If "use_global_bounds" is set to true, the
  //   compound bounds of a node and all its children are used for
  //   the intersection tests.
  void (*intersect_point)(io_vec3_t point, const io_ref_t* nodes,
                          io_size_t nodes_length, io_ref_t* intersecting_nodes,
                          io_size_t* intersecting_nodes_length,
                          io_bool_t use_global_bounds);
  // Iterates over all the provided nodes and returns the ones which intersect
  // the given axis aligned bounding box (AABB).
  //   If "use_global_bounds" is set to true, the
  //   compound bounds of a node and all its children are used for
  //   the intersection tests.
  void (*intersect_aabb)(io_aabb_t aabb, const io_ref_t* nodes,
                         io_size_t nodes_length, io_ref_t* intersecting_nodes,
                         io_size_t* intersecting_nodes_length,
                         io_bool_t use_global_bounds);
  // Iterates over all the provided nodes and returns the ones which intersect
  // the given sphere.
  //   If "use_global_bounds" is set to true, the
  //   compound bounds of a node and all its children are used for
  //   the intersection tests.
  void (*intersect_sphere)(io_sphere_t sphere, const io_ref_t* nodes,
                           io_size_t nodes_length, io_ref_t* intersecting_nodes,
                           io_size_t* intersecting_nodes_length,
                           io_bool_t use_global_bounds);

#define IO_COMPONENT_CUSTOM_DATA_API_NAME "io_component_custom_data_i"

// Provides access to custom data components
struct io_component_custom_data_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Gets the variant value for the given index.
  io_variant_t (*get)(io_ref_t custom_data, io_size_t index);
  // Sets the variant value for the given index.
  void (*set)(io_ref_t custom_data, io_size_t index, io_variant_t value);
  // Adds a new variant value to end of the list.
  void (*add)(io_ref_t custom_data, io_variant_t value);
  // Removes the variant value at the given index.
  void (*remove)(io_ref_t custom_data, io_size_t index);

#define IO_COMPONENT_TAG_API_NAME "io_component_tag_api_i"

// Provides access to tag components
struct io_component_tag_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Finds all entities with the given tag.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*find_entities_with_tag)(const char* tag, io_ref_t* entities,
                                 io_size_t* entities_length);

  // Adds a new tag with the given name.
  void (*add)(io_ref_t tag, const char* tag_name);
  // Removes the tag with the given name (if it exists).
  void (*remove)(io_ref_t tag, const char* tag_name);

  // Returns all tags set for this components
  void (*get_tags)(io_ref_t tag, io_name_t* tags, io_size_t* tags_length);

#define IO_COMPONENT_FLIPBOOK_ANIMATION_API_NAME                               \

// Provides access to flip book animation components
struct io_component_flipbook_animation_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Starts playing the provided flip book animation.
  void (*play)(io_ref_t flipbook_animation);
  // Stops playing the provided flip book animation.
  void (*stop)(io_ref_t flipbook_animation);

#define IO_COMPONENT_POST_EFFECT_VOLUME_API_NAME                               \

// Provides access to post effect volume components
struct io_component_post_effect_volume_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

#define IO_COMPONENT_CAMERA_API_NAME "io_component_camera_i"

// Provides access to camera components
struct io_component_camera_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

#define IO_COMPONENT_LIGHT_API_NAME "io_component_light_i"

// Provides access to light components
struct io_component_light_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

#define IO_COMPONENT_VOXEL_SHAPE_API_NAME "io_component_voxel_shape_i"

// Provides access to voxel shape components
struct io_component_voxel_shape_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Various

  // Retrieves the current palette in use for this shape (if any).
  io_ref_t (*get_palette)(io_ref_t shape);
  // Commits the data of the shape to as a snapshot.
  //   Snapshots are used to track the state of shapes which have been
  //   edited during runtime and are serialized when storing prefabs,
  //   worlds, etc.
  void (*commit_snapshot)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Conversion helpers

  // Transforms the given world space position to local/voxel space.
  io_vec3_t (*to_local_space)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t position);
  // Transforms the given world space position to a coordinate in local/voxel
  // space.
  io_ivec3_t (*to_local_coord)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t position);
  // Transforms the given local/voxel space position to world space.
  io_vec3_t (*to_world_space)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t position);

  // Voxel data related functions

  // Sets the given voxel to the palette index (and clamps coordinate to the
  // dimensions of the shape).
  void (*set)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord, io_uint8_t palette_index);
  // Sets the given voxel to the palette index (**without clamping** the
  // coordinate to the dimensions of the shape).
  void (*set_unsafe)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord,
                     io_uint8_t palette_index);

  // Marks the given voxel as fractured. Requires "support structures" to
  // be enabled for the shape.
  void (*fracture)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord);
  // Disconnects the given face of the voxel. Requires "support structures" to
  // be enabled for the shape.
  void (*disconnect)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord, io_box_face_index face);
  // Returns true if the face of the given voxel is connected to another voxel.
  io_bool_t (*is_connected)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord,
                            io_box_face_index face);

  // Sets the volume defined by the min and max coordinate to the provided
  // palette index.
  void (*fill)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord_min, io_u8vec3_t coord_max,
               io_uint8_t palette_index);

  // Shrinks the given shape, so it utilizes the least amount of space.
  void (*compact)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Gets the palette index for the given voxel coordinate.
  io_uint8_t (*get)(io_ref_t shape, io_u8vec3_t coord);

  // Gets the dimensions of the voxel shape.
  io_u16vec3_t (*get_dim)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Gets the underlying voxel data.
  // Directly retrieving the data is the most efficient solution for modifying
  // and reading back large chunks of voxels. The data is laid out in memory as
  // follows:
  //   idx = x + y * dim.x + z * dim.x * dim.y
  io_uint8_t* (*get_voxel_data)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Queues the given voxel shape for voxelization. Has to be called after every
  // change to the underlying voxel data to commit the changes and make them
  // visible.
  void (*voxelize)(io_ref_t shape);
  // Returns true if one (or multiple) voxelization requests for the given shape
  // are pending.
  io_bool_t (*is_voxelization_pending)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Voxel shape queries

  // Performs a raycast against the given shape. The result is optional and can
  // be *NULL*.
  io_bool_t (*raycast)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t origin, io_vec3_t direction,
                       io_float32_t distance,
                       io_component_voxel_shape_raycast_result_t* result);
  // Performs a raycast against the bounds of the given shape. The result is
  // optional and can be *NULL*.
  io_bool_t (*raycast_bounds)(
      io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t origin, io_vec3_t direction,
      io_float32_t distance, io_bool_t flip_winding,
      io_component_voxel_shape_raycast_result_t* result);
  // Performs a raycast again all shapes in the world. *All parameters* beside
  // the origin, direction, and distance are *optional*.
  io_bool_t (*raycast_global)(io_vec3_t origin, io_vec3_t direction,
                              io_float32_t distance, io_uint32_t group_mask,
                              io_component_voxel_shape_raycast_result_t* result,
                              const io_ref_t* shapes_to_ignore,
                              io_size_t shapes_to_ignore_length);
  // Performs a sphere overlap test against all shapes in the world and returns
  // all candidates.
  //   See "Documentation" for usage details.
  void (*overlap_sphere_global)(io_vec3_t position, io_float32_t radius,
                                io_uint32_t group_mask,
                                io_ref_t* overlapping_shapes,
                                io_size_t* overlapping_shapes_length);

  // Physics related functions

  // Applies the given force vector at the center of mass.
  void (*add_force)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t force);
  // Applies the given torque vector at the center of mass.
  void (*add_torque)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t torque);

  // Applies the given force vector at the given world position.
  void (*add_force_at_world_position)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t force,
                                      io_vec3_t position);
  // Applies the given force vector at the given world position.
  void (*add_force_at_local_position)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t force,
                                      io_vec3_t position);

  // Sets the linear velocity of this shape.
  void (*set_linear_velocity)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t velocity);
  // Gets the linear velocity of this shape.
  io_vec3_t (*get_linear_velocity)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Sets the angular velocity of this shape.
  void (*set_angular_velocity)(io_ref_t shape, io_vec3_t velocity);
  // Gets the angular velocity of this shape.
  io_vec3_t (*get_angular_velocity)(io_ref_t shape);

  // Gets the mass of the shape. Returns zero if not available.
  float (*get_mass)(io_ref_t shape);

#define IO_COMPONENT_VEHICLE_API_NAME "io_component_vehicle_i"

// Provides access to vehicle components
struct io_component_vehicle_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

#define IO_COMPONENT_VEHICLE_WHEEL_API_NAME "io_component_vehicle_wheel_i"

// Provides access to vehicle wheel components
struct io_component_vehicle_wheel_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Sets the torque (revolutions per second).
  void (*set_torque)(io_ref_t vehicle_wheel, float torque);
  // Gets the torque (revolutions per second).
  float (*get_torque)(io_ref_t vehicle_wheel);

  // Sets the steering angle (in radians).
  void (*set_steering_angle)(io_ref_t vehicle_wheel, float steering_angle);
  // Gets the steering angle (in radians).
  float (*get_steering_angle)(io_ref_t vehicle_wheel);

#define IO_COMPONENT_JOINT_API_NAME "io_component_joint_i"

// Provides access to joint components
struct io_component_joint_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

#define IO_COMPONENT_CHARACTER_CONTROLLER_API_NAME                             \

// Provides access to character controller components
struct io_component_character_controller_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Moves the character controller.
  void (*move)(io_ref_t controller, io_vec3_t move_vector);
  // Returns true if the character controller is grounded.
  io_bool_t (*is_grounded)(io_ref_t controller);
  // Returns true if the character controller is colliding with its sides.
  io_bool_t (*is_colliding_sides)(io_ref_t controller);
  // Returns true if the upper part of the character controller is colliding.
  io_bool_t (*is_colliding_up)(io_ref_t controller);

#define IO_COMPONENT_CAMERA_CONTROLLER_API_NAME                                \

// Provides access to camera controller components
struct io_component_camera_controller_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Sets the node to target for the given controller.
  void (*set_target_node)(io_ref_t controller, io_ref_t node);
  // Sets the Euler angles to target for the given controller.
  void (*set_target_euler_angles)(io_ref_t controller, io_vec3_t euler_angles);
  // Gets the Euler angles to target for the given controller.
  io_vec3_t (*get_target_euler_angles)(io_ref_t controller);

#define IO_COMPONENT_PARTICLE_API_NAME "io_component_particle_i"

// Provides access to particle components
struct io_component_particle_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_component_base_i base;

  // Returns the emitter handle for the given particle.
  io_handle16_t (*get_emitter_handle)(io_ref_t particle);

// Base interface all resources provide
//   *Not all functions are provided by all resources*
typedef struct
  // Returns the type ID for this type of resource.
  io_ref_type_id_t (*get_type_id)();

  // Creates a new resource with the given name.
  io_ref_t (*create)(const char* name);
  // Destroys the given resource.
  void (*destroy)(io_ref_t resource);

  // Commits any changes and reloads the internals of the resource.
  void (*commit_changes)(io_ref_t resource);

  // Finds the first resource with the given name.
  io_ref_t (*find_first_resource_with_name)(const char* name);
  // Finds the first resource with the given name.
  io_ref_t (*find_resource_with_uuid)(io_uuid_t uuid);

  // Returns the number of active resources.
  io_size_t (*get_num_active_resources)();

  // Returns a ref for the given linear resource index.
  io_ref_t (*make_ref)(io_ref_index_t resource_index);
  // Returns the linear resource index for the given ref
  io_ref_index_t (*make_index)(io_ref_t resource);

  // Returns the name of the resource.
  const char* (*get_name)(io_ref_t resource);
  // Returns the UUID of the resource.
  io_uuid_t (*get_uuid)(io_ref_t resource);

  // Returns the linear memory containing all the names for all active
  // resources.
  io_name_t* (*get_name_memory)();

  // Returns true if the given resource is alive.
  io_bool_t (*is_alive)(io_ref_t resource);

  // Sets the property of the given resource to the provided value.
  void (*set_property)(io_ref_t resource, const char* name, io_variant_t value);
  // Gets the property of the given resource as a variant.
  io_variant_t (*get_property)(io_ref_t resource, const char* name);

  // Gets the linear memory for the property with the given name.
  //  Don't cache the returned pointer! The property memory will change when
  //  the manager runs over its current capacity.
  void* (*get_property_memory)(const char* name);

  // Gets a pointer to a pointer pointing to the linear memory for the
  // property with the given name. The referenced pointer is updated if the
  // internal memory changes.
  //   It's only safe to cache the returned pointer when all properties have
  //   been registered.
  void** (*get_property_memory_ptr)(const char* name);

  // Returns a list of property descriptions for all the properties the
  // resource provides.
  void (*list_properties)(io_property_desc_t* property_descs,
                          io_size_t* property_descs_length);
} io_resource_base_i;

#define IO_RESOURCE_PALETTE_API_NAME "io_resource_palette_i"

// Provides access to palette resources
struct io_resource_palette_i // NOLINT
  // Base interface functions.
  io_resource_base_i base;

  // Sets the color for the given palette index of the given palette.
  void (*set_color)(io_ref_t palette, io_uint8_t palette_index,
                    io_vec4_t color);
  // Gets the color for the given palette index of the given palette.
  io_vec4_t (*get_color)(io_ref_t palette, io_uint8_t palette_index);

  // Material parameters:
  //   x: Roughness  [0, 1]
  //   y: Metalmask  [0, 1]
  //   z: Hardness   [0, 255]
  //   w: Emissive   [0, FLT_MAX]

  // Sets the material parameters for the given palette index of the given
  // palette.
  void (*set_material_parameters)(io_ref_t palette, io_uint8_t palette_index,
                                  io_vec4_t parameters);

  // Gets the material parameters for the given palette index of the given
  // palette.
  io_vec4_t (*get_material_parameters)(io_ref_t palette,
                                       io_uint8_t palette_index);

#define IO_LOW_LEVEL_PHYSX_API_NAME "io_low_level_physx_i"

// Provides direct access to the internal low-level PhysX data structures
//   Use this if you want to directly utilize PhysX in your plugin to add
//   custom behavior and functionality
struct io_low_level_physx_i // NOLINT
  // Returns the ptr to the global "physx::PxPhysics" instance.
  void* (*get_px_physics)();
  // Returns the ptr to the global "physx::PxScene" instance.
  void* (*get_px_scene)();

  // Returns the ptr to the "physx::PxRigidActor" instance for the given shape.
  // Please note the following:
  //   1. The actor can be *NULL* for shapes with pending voxelization or
  //      disabled collision
  //   2. The actor is replaced after the voxelization for a shape finishes
  //      and the previous one becomes *invalid*
  void* (*get_px_rigid_actor_for_shape)(io_ref_t shape);

#define IO_LOW_LEVEL_IMGUI_API_NAME "io_low_level_imgui_i"

// Provides direct access to the internal low-level Dear ImGui data structures
//   Use this in conjunction with "ImGui::SetCurrentContext()" and
//   "ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions()" in your plugin
struct io_low_level_imgui_i // NOLINT
  // Returns the ptr to the global "ImGui::ImGuiContext" instance
  void* (*get_imgui_context)();
  // Returns the ptrs to the global "ImGuiMemAllocFunc" and "ImGuiMemFreeFunc"
  // functions
  void (*get_imgui_allocator_functions)(void** alloc_func, void** free_func);

#define IO_LOW_LEVEL_VULKAN_API_NAME "io_low_level_vulkan_i"

// Provides direct access to the internal low-level Vulkan data structures
struct io_low_level_vulkan_i // NOLINT
  // Returns the highest version of the API used. Constructed with
  io_uint32_t (*get_vk_api_version)();

  // Returns the ptr to the Vulkan physical device of type "VkPhysicalDevice".
  void* (*get_vk_physical_device)();
  // Returns the ptr to the Vulkan device of type "VkDevice".
  void* (*get_vk_device)();
  // Returns the ptr to the Vulkan instance of type "VkInstance".
  void* (*get_vk_instance)();

  // Returns a collection of Vulkan-internal functions.
  void (*get_functions)(io_low_level_vulkan_functions_t* functions);
